I recently told you guys about my aversion to spiders (see post spiders + me = not a happy me). I have a brand new spider story for y’all.
So Gabe’s husband answered her phone the other day when I called her. As he was giving me a hard time (always), he asked if he could borrow a tv series. I told him that of course he could and went to get it out of our movie closet (Seriously. We have shelves of movies in a closet).
Please note that I am more afraid of spiders when I have no shoes on. Why? Are you really asking me for a rational explanation? You read my blog, you should know better.
As I step up to the doors to open the closet, a giant evil death machine monster stared at me out of his million beady eyes which were about 2 inches from my face. I promptly screamed while jumping ½ the room backwards and out the door at the same time (No small feat this. It was kind of like teleportation).
I ran to the kitchen and got my handy dandy spider killing juice. That stuff makes me feel powerful…until this fateful day that is. I sprayed that blood sucker for several minutes. It kept moving around and eventually went inside the closet (still on the door). This was last Thursday. I haven’t been back into our yellow room alone since. And even with someone with me, I will no longer touch the closet or go in it. Period.
Mike’s lucky I didn’t put the house up for sale. But I’m pretending that the spider crawled into a corner in that closet and died (even though no one can find his body).
Track List:
As may possible versions of Little Boxes (you know, the theme song from Weeds??) as I could find. Thanks Delana.
Track List:
As may possible versions of Little Boxes (you know, the theme song from Weeds??) as I could find. Thanks Delana.
Funny thing is, I know you are absolutely telling the truth about not going back into that room alone...I'm surprised that you didn't seal around the closet edges with duct tape (or set it on fire)!