Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My World

You all know my world is....different. I live in my own strange creation. If I could only convey the stories that go on in my head for y'all, but alas there are not always words to describe what I think about.

The following is a dramatization and not any one actual event.

Occasionally Boi comes home to something like this:

Especially this week since my family moved out. Poor Boi.

And then I try to suck him into my world.

It all goes a bit blurry at first....

And then I pull Boi in through a vortex of crazy delusional words and gestures.

Suddenly, he finds himself in a beautiful place. A place full of lovely rainbows, sunshine, random mythical creatures, butterflies, and other happy things.

This is a place of bliss. Where there are fairies and elves and mermaids. There's singing and dancing and laughter.

But then....


Before he can do anything...

Boi finds himself being dragged....

To the other side of my imaginary world.

My evil side. Which isn't really that scary (again this is a dramatization). Well, maybe y'all would think of it as terrifying beyond all reason. But I keep it all in. I'm not a serial killer. Really.

This is the place no one seems to understand me. The place where I think (key word THINK) how nifty it would be to cut open someones *coughRandycough* veins just to watch them bleed for a bit. Oh don't worry; in my fantasy I also can suture him back up. Or at the very least super glue it closed. I really don't understand why this disturbed someone *coughRandycough* so much. It's not like I'd really do it.

Poor Boi.

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