Monday, May 23, 2011

Welcome to my Cul-de-sac

This post is dedicated to Tribal Elder Randy.

This is me on my tricycle.

I ride it around in the mental cul-de-sac that my friends keep me in.

They put me there every time I say or do something confusing/illogical/dumb. I stay there A LOT.

A couple of things I did today (already) qualify to put me in the cul-de-sac.

Thing #1:

I despise clothes. They are possibly my arch nemesis (right after spiders). So the past few months with mom living here have forced me to be tactfully clothed all the time. Not my forte.
So yesterday was our first full day without people living with us. Of course I spent the day in my birthday suit. It would have been awesome, except that I've been keeping the house colder for my clothed status. So last night I decided to make the house warmer. In my sleep deprived state, I pushed the temperature gage down.
I woke up this morning freezing.

Thing #2:

This weekend a few mosquitoes decided to make camp in my house. Remember how much they love me? If not, please see my post Playing outside is hazardous to my health.
There were 3 mosquitoes killed (there could be more hanging around that I've missed), and I have 11+ bites. I've been scratching them like a woman possessed (I know, I know, don't do that).
This morning I got the bright idea to put Lidocaine Ointment (numbing agent) on the bites when I got out of the shower (the heat had aggravated me to a scratching frenzy). Couple of pictures of just my right foot bites:

My brilliant move came right after I applied the ointment. I started eating my breakfast without washing my hands. Next thing I know Numb Tongue.


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