Tuesday, June 14, 2011

3rd Annual Tribe Beach Trip

Dear Readers (especially Dixon),

I haven't forgotten about you. I promise to write a real post soon. Just keep in mind that I'm a crazy slacker. I try, I really do. I disappoint myself. Okay not really but I should be disappointed in myself.

I'm getting off subject. I'm trying to clean my house. I have some new friends that haven't seen it, and I don't really want them to see it like it is now. And they are coming to dinner one day this week. The best part? Dinner night is a surprise. So I need the house clean ASAP. It could even be tonight that they come. So to procrastinate the cleaning, I decided to write a post.

I thought, ooooh, I'll write a post about vacation. But I don't want to upload the pictures. Thinking of the pictures makes me think of what a slacker I was at taking vacation pictures. Pretty much all of them are the second half of the week, and they aren't even very good.

What? You want to see them? Grrrr. Fine. I'm working on uploading them while I write the rest of this post. I just started the loading and remembered that I never uploaded the pictures I took at James and Tiffany's wedding. So the name of the folder is '3rd Annual Tribe Beach Trip plus James and Tiffs Wedding'. *shakesheadatself*

The vast majority of the pictures (about 200 actually) are pictures I took of myself. The most distressing part is that I hadn't even been drinking [yet] that day.

So okay, I'm going to provide y'all with captions to the pictures and that's gonna be the rest of the post.

So the first few pictures can all be lumped together. Remember that 200ish pictures I was talking about? Yeah, these are just a few:

Thank you guys for still loving me.

Drum roll please. I would next like to introduce you to the first OFFICIAL new Tribe member. We finally broke down and made an induction process, and Carolyn is the first to go through it. I don't think she was too horribly scarred by it.

Carolyn is Randy's sister.

Minor side note: see the package on the coffee table? Yes that's baby food (dried apples). I love them and no one would stop making fun of me over it.

She is without a doubt one of the coolest girls I know. Welcome to the Tribe Carolyn :-)

I thought it would be a good idea to try to take a decent picture of Boi and I together. We have almost no pictures of us together. It's like the two of us together makes the world shudder. Seriously. We tried having professional pictures done once; they got exposed to light on the truck on the way to be developed. It's just never meant to be. And I thought I could change fate.

Actually this last one is a pretty decent picture, if I do say so myself. Please note that I only posted a minuscule amount of the pictures I took of the two of us.

On to poker!

They kept making fun of me because (this was our last night in Myrtle Beach) we were out of plastic forks so I was eating my leftovers with a plastic knife. Stab. Stab. Stab!

In the last picture (Game Two), please not my chips vs everyone else's (I'd already taken all of Randy's chips). If I had any patience at all, I could have won all 3 games played last week. As it stands: Game One I came in 2nd to Randy, Game Two I came in 2nd to Carolyn, and Game Three I was the first out (Sorry, can't share that story. Some things are for the Tribe only).

I have more pictures and many more stories, just be patient with me!

1 comment:

  1. The one with Mike's face barely making it into the corner of the picture is priceless hahahahaha


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