Saturday, August 28, 2010

The internet is my happy place

I love the internet. A lot. I can find the strangest things on it. The internet stirs up my brain like a big pot of soup. You know how things settle at the bottom of a soup and you can't always see those things? Well my brain is a lot like that. So I go on the internet to stir things up and see what happens.
I was reading and Allie was talking about playing on the internet. Which (with my little ADD brain) made me think about random things on the internet. So I googled 'random word generator' and clicked on  This page gives me a blank box to type stuff in so it can come up with random words for me. DumdumDUM! Really? I'm intrigued. This thing is asking me to type stuff. So I figure that the more random I am, the more random the generator will be. So, in my own think-outside-of-my-non-existent-box kinda way, this is what I wrote:

people come across strange things while walking in sewage drains that are needing to be clean that is why mike rowe goes to clean it up snuffle sniffle times a trifle needed to pray clowning around the pie whole lot of proud parents praying to baby Jesus where do all the lonely hearts go when they lay down and die ducks fly in the bedroom frankly driving moon cheese crazy

This is the point where I stop and realize that maybe I don't need to use a random word generator. I am a random word generator. Yay me! If you are wondering what words the random generator came up with, don't. They were stupid made up words. I wanted real words so this did me no good. I was hoping for a random word that would joggle something in my memory so I could write about something cool. Instead here we are.

I've given up on random words and think, oh oh, what about a random PHRASE generator!? Surely this will work better for me right? So I find a website and presto! Tons of giggles and the occasional snort. Some random phrases that tickled my funny were:

'south slave conceived trend'  -  What trend? I think that perhaps this would not make a good blog. I could offend people. *giggle,snort*

'supporting eccentric deck bastard'  -  Really!? Did this generator just cuss at me? This phrase makes me feel like I'm giving money to a pirate whore. I don't know why. Why would you even ask me?? If you think anything in my mind makes sense, please refer back the random words I strung together for the word generator. That's right; you should be ashamed for even asking.

At this point I lose focus. This happens frequently so I'm not alarmed. I am clicking away without even reading the words now and my eyes are wondering down the sidebar...ooohhhhh! Random sentence generator. Could be more happy fun, I decide. *click*

'Should the metaphor camp?' This reminds me of camping for obvious reasons. And thinking of camping always leads the the epic adventures of Springmaid Mountain.  Finally a topic worth blogging about.

At this point it was almost 6am (me having to be up at 7:45am). So I give up completely and go to bed. However, I promise that I will blog about the epic adventures of Springmaid Mountain next.

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