Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Mailbox Game

I'm not sure how this game came into existence. I don't remember, but it really doesn't matter. When I go to the mailbox, I can't let anyone see me. If I'm seen, I fail. Sounds easy, right? But it's not. Because (in my mind) the world has been taken over. By who you ask? It doesn't matter. Aliens, another country, who knows. What does matter is that, since the world has been taken over, there are things that enforce the law. You aren't allowed out of your house; that's the law. These invaders have special ways of detecting you. Like if your heart speeds up. Or if you run. So don't do those things, okay? What happens if you get caught? I don't know!!! Cause I rock at this game and have never been spotted.

If you hear a vehicle, you should walk quickly (again making sure not to let your heart speed up). Try to stay under cover (trees, building overhangs, etc) so they can't see you from the sky.

You can play this game anytime you're outside: going to the mailbox, bringing in groceries, etc.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention: The front door also needs to be shut (I have a storm door so leaving the door open is a possibility). Because if it's not, somehow they will know that you were outside. And even though an open door isn't proof, they will still punish you.

I apologize now for this post. Rereading it, it’s all a jumble of confusion. I tried to go back and rewrite it so it had more structure and made more sense, but I couldn’t do it. I’m a failure. Sorry. I’m still working on the ‘rules for surviving the apocalypse’ post. I promise.


  1. LOLLOL made so much sense to me XD

  2. its just like talking to you in person..accept I can go back and read it again to make sure I understand it!

  3. Its really funny to watch her from the house when she thinks I'm not. Then I get concerned that our neighbors think she is weird. I envision our neighbors standing in their living rooms watching her not-so-stealthy walk/jog, darting between shrubs and parked cars to the mailbox. The neighbors are standing there "John, she's doing it again, call the children in please."


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