Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Witching Hour

I have no idea but for some reason, I'm only inspired to write in the middle of the night. Lately I have been keeping more 'normal' hours...and it sucks. I've missed writing!

I'm still working on my 'Goodnight Moon' spoof post but none of y'all responded to having read the book so I may not post it...we shall see.

I think I'm getting old. I swear that my memory is disappearing. I do all sorts of puzzles and word problems to keep my brain young but...I think that my short term memory has had a spell put on it. What type of spell you ask? Well, if I had to guess, I'd say that some wizard turned it into a goldfish. But that's just a guess.

So I've started to text message myself little reminders of things I'd like to blog about. I'll type it in and send it to myself...and by the time (like 2 seconds later) my phone chimes to let me know I have a text, I've forgotten already that I sent the text, and I get all excited thinking that someone actually wants to convey a message to me...only to realize that it was me. It happens every time.

So the Boi and I went out to dinner the other night. I excused myself to go to the restroom and took a while before I came back. Boi looked at me as I sat down and asked, "Do you feel better?"  I looked at him a little weird before I realized what he was thinking.

I laughed as I explained to him that the reason I was gone so long was because a song came on while I was in the restroom. I didn't know the song but it was pretty (I texted myself some of the lyrics to check out later...) and I wanted to listen to the whole song, and I could hear it better in the bathroom so I stayed in there until it was done. He looked at me with his 'you are so strange/that deserves blog space' look.

Gabe gave me a magnet with a picture of her older son on it the other day. I handed it to The Boi for safe keeping. I asked Boi for it to put on the fridge when we got home. He looked at me a little blankly for a few moments and then started to laugh.

He explained that he had put it in his pocket and realized that it was getting bent while we were at his parents house. So he pulled it out and stuck it to their fridge with the intention of getting it before we left. Now his parents have a picture magnet on their fridge of a child they don't know. Way to go Boi.

The Boi and I spent part of our Christmas with Gabe and her family. When we were getting our food (buffet style Christmas = awesome), I laughed at Gabe because she was making chocolate milk to drink with her food. I looked at her and asked, "Really?"

We all sat down to eat together, and (I'm not kidding) unprovoked, her family and friends started one by one (as they sat down) asking her if that was actually chocolate milk she was drinking with dinner. Her face kept turning pink, and it was really funny. It turned extremely funny when her 3 year old yells across the room, "Are you drinking chocolate milk, mommy?"

So while The Boi and I were at that restaurant the other night, an elderly couple sat down at the table next to us. When the waitress came to take their drink orders, the sweet looking little old lady requested chocolate milk. Boi and I looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Random info: I always try to spell check my work before posting it (so I don't look like a total idiot). Today, it doesn't like 'texted'. I got to thinking about it and realized that it probably wasn't right so I googled 'past tense of text'. Turns out to be a really huge debate because text is a noun not a verb. Except that recently we've kind of turned it into a verb. So I'm leaving it there and to all my grammar friends, sorry if I've offended y'all.


  1. Can I join the club for those with short term memory problems? I liked how you talked about random things...interesting...

  2. @Caterpillar: Of course you can join the club. Can't promise that I'll remember you're part though. LOL As to the randomness of this post, I just couldn't get my head on straight so I talked about several things I wanted to share...heehee

  3. Too funny about the magnet!!! You & Boi (I always smile about you having called him that cute name all these years) should make it a habit of placing random magnets on people's fridges...you know, kind of like the "Wet Bandits"!

  4. OK you are not that old.... Do you still cut your sandwiches in triangles and cut the crust off?

  5. @Mommy: A fantastic idea. We'll be the magnet ninjas.

    @breugel: LOL I suck it up and eat the crust now. I forgot that I used to make mom cut my sammiches with two triangles and two squares so I could make two houses...I don't do that now though...*shifty eyes*

  6. I remember your sisters and brothers used to call you mean also. Something about a stick in Wilmington.


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