Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A.D.D. Compilation

After a few days of successfully completing The Mailbox Game, I am no longer too depressed to write so I'm back. Just kidding (although I have indeed been more successful with my night attempts thank you for asking). I've actually been out of town and am back and ready to regale you with more of my adventures.

I had lunch with a friend today and was headed back to my house when I saw something really disturbing. I tried to draw you a picture but can't quite convey what I'm trying to express.

Perhaps the most distressing part for me is that the entire front half of this deer was missing. It was about 5 feet off the road just crumpled there. But what happened to the rest of it!? The only idea I can come up with is that some redneck that hit the poor thing pulled over to hack off the front half, and it is now mounted somewhere in that person's house. They probably ate his spleedilysplooch for dinner. *shudder*

This past weekend Boi, Randy, and I went to Roanoke VA for an early Thanksgiving get together which was scrumdiddlyumptious, I might add. Along the way we saw a flink:

As you can see from my picture, I was partial to the brown and white ones. That doesn't mean that I have anything against the black and white ones...I don't really know where I was going with this so I'll stop now.

So anyway, there we were driving along when I decided that I just had to put on
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and sing it at the top of my lungs. The boys protested profusely to no avail.

Of course at that point I was completely hooked on Disney music for the remainder of the trip, much to the boys dismay. I was happy as a clam.

When we returned home, Randy and I took a quiz on Facebook called 'What is you spirit animal?' I know that those quizzes are dumb, but this one really took the cake. The following was Randy's result:

I mean really? Dolphine? Dolphne? Whoever made this one didn't even stick with the same misspelling. I found my result even funnier though, especially in light of my recent post. I got an 'otter' for my spirit animal.

Speaking of animals, I don't think I ever told y'all how Ed came to live with me. One night my doorbell rang. A neighbor girl stood on my doorstep with the most adorable puppy in her arms. She had found it under her deck and couldn't find the owner. I said that we would keep him for the weekend, and she would put up fliers. I never saw the fliers but about 3 weeks later, a lady showed up looking for a female puppy. I showed her Ed, and she said that wasn't the puppy she was looking for but that he was from the same litter and his name was Gunther. She said that she could tell we had bonded and that we could keep him. Thus Ed/Gunther became a permanent part of our family.

I have drawn several pictures that became 'fails' for posts but would like to share one with you today. It's titled 'Nudist Eyes':

This is what I see whenever I look at the eyes I draw. Now you will too.


  1. I have seen 2 deer on 77 that look just like that... I didn't stop to pick them up for dinner though ;)

    I thought I was the only person who saw hooters in eyeballs.... Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone :)

  2. Why is one bigger than the other? Makes me wonder...

  3. I absolutely ADORE the picture of you guys in the car...and it cracks me up to think of the heavy metal/screamo boys having to listen to your Disney music!!!!

  4. I tried to remain sane by trying to apply Supercalifrag....to heavy guitars and making it screamy. I was unsuccessful. I think I cried a little, too.


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