Thursday, November 4, 2010

How I Lost My Mind (today)

So I've been sitting here for a few days. I really wanted to make a fantastic post for you guys. But all I could do was sit and stare endlessly at the blinking cursor. After a while I started to look like:

So I turned on Netflix. Maybe something on there will inspire me. Buffy is always a great inspiration. I've made it all the way to Season 7.

After 3 or 4 episodes, I realise why there is no season 8. I think that the writers started running out of ideas in season 6. Season 7 is full of nothing. The stories are even more ridiculous than the rest of the series. This is not helping.

Things were beginning to get desperate. I really want to please you. Why can't I come up with some funny anecdote?! I've had 26 years of material building up.

What the heck is wrong with me?

Am I developing Alzheimer's?

What if I can never be funny again?

Is my life destined to be boring from here on out?



I begin to think I'm developing an aneurysm. My mom texts me:

"...I would like for you to send me a text when you can to just let me know you're okay. I had an awful dream about you...Please don't lean back in any chairs..."

So now I'm terrified of sitting down. But I'm too lazy to stay standing up. So I continue to sit here, trying desperately to think of a good story. I'm full of nothing.

But you guys are extremely important to me. So I continued to try my best. I looked through websites that usually inspire me. I looked at funny things. I looked at serious things. Nothing was helping. I began to feel lost. Where was my mind? I need it desperately and it's failing me. So I began to think of horrible things.

Since I haven't written anything in a few days, my readers will quit visiting my site. My friends will lose faith in me. Then they'll stop calling and wanting to hang out with me. Boi will leave because I drove all our friends away. I'll become a reclusive cat lady. My house will constantly smell of feline urine. I'll stop getting out of cats will be so worried that they'll start bringing me cat food in their mouths. I'll get desperate and start to eat it. Next thing I know, I'll be a cat.

Now I'm hyperventilating.

For my health and well being, I gave up. So I started drawing. You can clearly see what came out of that.

I decided to write this post to go with my pictures so that you can see what you're doing to me. This is all your fault. But I love you anyway.


  1. dont be a cat. I like you better as a person.

  2. Loved the pictures! I need to refrain from commenting further, as it will turn into a 20 page essay defending the message of the later seasons of Buffy.


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shelookslikeahaddock blog by Beth Evans is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.