Friday, November 5, 2010

The Tribe: Introduction Continued

As promised, here are my introductions to the remaining two Tribe members.

First, I give you Randy. He is most likely to [successfully] plan a Tribe trip. He's fairly grounded and is the smart one of the group (no James, this is not up for debate). His favorite color is green. I tried to draw Randy for y'all. I really did. It was just too hard. So I give you my works progression:

 I stopped here to ask Boi if this looked like Randy. He said vehemently no. So I drew this:

 Boi advised me that adding color to the background did not make it look more like Randy. So I tried again.

Okay. There is an explanation for this. I got to trying to draw his hands and kept messing up. At one point, I showed Boi one of my failed tries explaining that his hand kept looking like a freak 5 fingered crustacean. Boi suggested I just draw a claw instead. So I did. And then that made me think of The Little Mermaid...which made me think of King Triton which is why I drew a trident for his other arm. I showed Boi who just shook his head.

So I tried this and Boi reiterated that color doesn't make it better. Last try:

I finally gave up trying to draw Randy. What you see is what you got. I figured it didn't really matter because I throw up pictures of the real person anyway.

So here is a real picture of Randy.
This was taken on the 2010 Tribe Beach trip.
Boi laughed that I chose this picture because Randy [almost] always has on his sunglasses.

Randy and Boi both really like heavy metal. This makes for some really long car rides for me.
We're really glad to have Randy closer to the rest of The Tribe as he has been in the Air Force for the last few years making his visits few and far between.

And last, but certainly not least, our newest Tribe Elder, Tiffany. Her favorite color changes daily and her personality is just as colorful. She's a bright ray of happiness in our group. Plus she puts up with James on a daily basis making her one of my heroes.

She recently married Tribe Elder James as seen in the picture to your left.
That was a great and happy day for The Tribe.
I can't wait to tell you some of those stories.
We give Tiffany a hard time for her 'weird' Yankee accent. It's especially funny hearing her say, "Y'all."

Tiffany is quite the bookworm...especially when it comes to vampire novels. I can count on her to know when all the new books in our series are coming out.
When it comes to Captain Morgan she can out drink us all. I swear she can drink a whole 5th of the good Captain and still be sober.

And that's The Tribe in two quick posts. It has been incredibly hard trying to boil down my friends into short 'definitions' for y'all. But this way you have a general idea about who I'm talking about when I refer to The Tribe.

The following is completely separate having nothing to do with The Tribe. But I wrote it while I was drawing tonight and thought it might make y'all laugh.

I was sitting at the kitchen table drawing. I wasn’t doing a very good job. I kept making Boi look at my picture, and he kept critiquing in a negative connotation.
After several more tries and lots of laughs later, I grew warm. I reached over to the window and let the blinds down and quickly whipped off my shirt. I wiped my pits with said shirt and then threw it over my shoulder. Boi was looking at me with his “that’s not normal” look and I said, “What? I was hot. My belly button is even sweating.” This did not earn me a better look with Boi. If anything, his face grew more concerned. I told him that he's the reason I write my blog. That face he makes lets me know that, even though I think the things I do are normal, I am not at all normal. And it's those unusual stories that I share here.


  1. Darling Beth, who really knows what "normal" is...or is supposed to be?! If it means being like most other people around you, then you most certainly are NOT normal...however, that is one of your most endearing qualities!!! I want you to know that I can honestly SEE the looks on Mike's face that you describe!!! I miss you both <3

  2. 1. Now you can't say I never read your blog.
    2. That 2nd picture of me is great, haha.

    That is all.

  3. gee thanks beth but I beg to differ. Me and Randy are the smart ones of the group. Tiff is the vocabulist (i don't think this is a word but it should be, Tiff obviously did not help with this post). Mike is the common sense think completely outside the box guy. And your the continuous entertainment.

  4. See y'all? What did I tell you? See the comment above where Tribe Elder James did EXACTLY as I thought he would (debate the comment about Randy being the smart one of the group?)? This just goes to show y'all how well I know my friends :D


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