Sunday, September 5, 2010

Beth's cooking tips

I'm having EBS (empty brain syndrome) today. So I'm going to post some cooking tips that I've been compiling for you. I am not a professional cook. I probably shouldn't be allowed to touch anything in a kitchen but The Boi and I have to eat so...
ps-I was gonna draw you pretty pictures to illustrate my cooking but I have no patience today. Sorry.

What to do when you are cooking chili and forget about it so the bottom layer burns to a char:

Quickly move the pot off the heat. Grab another pot. Gently pour the chili into the new pot while being careful not to let any of the charred bottom layer get into the new pot. Set new pot on the burner and don’t forget about it this time. To avoid having anyone know your shame, scrape the char out of the pot and feed it to the dog. Clean the pot and put it away. Open windows to clear the smell. Voila. Evidence destroyed and dinner saved!

What to do when you forget and leave a frozen pizza in the oven until it’s burned into a black Frisbee:

Get the ‘pizza’ out of the oven and place on a plate to cool. Put a new frozen pizza in the oven and start over. When original ‘pizza’ is cool, take into the back yard and throw as a Frisbee for the dog. This will make the dog doubly happy as he will now have a new toy AND treat.

Quick and Easy Dessert for poor person:

If you are out of almost all your groceries and want a tasty desert, Kool-aid premade drink mix (another words, the kind that’s already got sugar in it) or tang powder are very tasty treats. Just lick and dip your finger in the powder and insert your powdered finger in your mouth. Voila, instant easy desert.
*note* I read that last one to Boi and he said “Is that why there’s clumps in the Tang? Is that your residual spit droppings?” I replied, “It’s entirely possible,” and hung my head in shame.

Tip: Any pot that has been on a burner that is ‘on’ for any reasonable amount of time is hot. Hot enough to burn you. Don’t touch out of curiosity. This will end in tears…and cool looking burns that are shiny.

Tip#2: Sizzling sounds on a burner usually indicate that something is boiling over. Please check on this sound immediately upon hearing it.

Those are my tips so far. I will continue to collect important kitchen tips as I discover them :D

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the laughs Beth....I enjoy reading your blogs.
    Just for the record.......
    I always got strange looks from co-workers when I would eat the oatmeal flavor packets dry! (brown sugar was my favorite) Another favorite was the flavored coffee creamer! What's wrong....I thought everyone did this! LOL


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