Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Bosom Friend: Gabe

My best friend’s name is Gabe. She gave me verbal permission to use her real first name on my blog which excited me greatly for some unknown reason. (*side note* If you don’t know what a ‘bosom friend’ is, you haven’t lived life. Please read the ‘Anne of Green Gables’ series or at least watch the 1st movie). Gabe is a girl (just so there’s no confusion); especially since my nephew’s name is also Gabe. It can get very confusing to have two of the most special people in my life have the same name. So I refer to BFF Gabe as ‘Gabe’ and nephew Gabe as ‘Baby Gabe’. I suppose this will work until 15 or 16 years from now and ‘Baby Gabe’ is not so baby anymore. That’s okay because I’ve bought myself some time.

Gabe and I have had some awesome adventures together so far. One such venture happened on 10/12/2009 at just before 9:58pm. I wish I was awesome enough to recall that information on my own; however, I am not. The picture I took with my camera was sweet enough to document that information on the picture for my failing brain’s memory. I’m complete off subject.

So on this perfect evening, Gabe and I had gone shopping and bought these wonderful little sticky eyeballs.

I found this picture of similar, possibly the same eyeballs on:

We intended to give them out at work for Halloween but that didn’t work out so much. They made it as far as my house. I opened one to play with, and it was on. I looked at Gabe and the following conversation took place (to the best of my failing memory):

Me: If I throw one up on the ceiling, do you think it would come back down?

Gabe: Eventually.

The Boi: (pauses his video game to look at me pointedly) NO.

Me: How eventually? Like tonight or tomorrow?

Gabe: At the very latest, it might be a few days…could leave oil spots though.

The Boi: (his face is a lovely shade of red) NO.

So I started it. Gabe and I proceeded to throw the entire 30 (or so) count bag onto my ceiling. They didn’t come back down. Not on their own anyway. I’d like to add that Sid talked to the eyeballs. I think they freaked him out a little. He would run through the living room while looking at the ceiling and growl/talk. Four months later, a friend graciously brought over some scaffolding and plucked them all down. He was even so nice as to paint…my entire vaulted living room ceiling. The Boi never said a word. Although he did give me several pointed, disgusted, and/or angry looks over those 4 months; especially during Christmastime when eyeballs on the ceiling are just weird.

PS- my friend that got them down threw a lot of them on my floor. I’m still finding those suckers. In fact, I found 2 this past Friday while steaming my living room floor.

1 comment:

  1. I just about DIED laughing while I read that!!! Only you, Beth, only you. Maybe one of your blogs could contain the story of how you and your bosom buddy caused Mike a backache by setting off a minor bomb in the garbage disposal;)


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